Grant application form

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name, e-mail address

Instructions regarding the different parts of the application are listed below. All the information should be given in English unless otherwise stated.

Travel grants: Briefly describe your research project, the state of the art, the key challenges of the research field, and an overview of the results you plan to present in the meeting.

Congress grant applications: Briefly describe the field of research related to the organized congress and research performed in Finland.

Travel grant applications: the name, place and date of the meeting

Congress grant applications: the type, title, place and date of the planned event, organizing committee, and potential co-organizers

Travel grant applications: describe why the meeting is important for your career

Congress grant applications: describe the expected number of participants, the planned program, and the importance of the event

Travel grant applications: a poster or oral presentation is a requirement, please give the title and information of the type of the presentation here

Congress grant applications: describe the status of planning activities and schedule here

Travel grant applications: detailed description of the use of the applied funding. The society will cover only direct traveling costs (accommodation, registration fees, travel). Daily allowances cannot be covered by this grant.

Congress grant applications: describe the budget and funding plan for the event