Call for nominations for the Finnish Pharmaceutical Society “Most outstanding pharmaceutical research article” award

The award provides a wonderful opportunity for researchers to be recognized and honored for their valuable contributions to pharmaceutical sciences. The award is worth 500 Euros (all the authors will be awarded and will share the award worth 500 €) and it will be presented at the FinPharmSci 2024 event, which is organized by the Finnish Pharmaceutical Society, on Thursday, November 14th, 2024. Anyone who has published a peer-reviewed, original research article in pharmaceutical sciences in 2023-24 is eligible to apply for the award. The corresponding author must be affiliated with a Finnish university. All authors of the selected article will be awarded, but any of the authors may submit the application on behalf of the others.


The application should include the following information:


1) Names of all the authors and contact information

2) Title of the article, link to the electronic version of the article

3) Bibliographic information of the article

4) Description of the important aspects and outstanding merits of the article (maximum length 150 words). This will provide the evaluation committee with information on the article and its contribution to the area of research represented and the novelty, importance, and originality of the research.


Applications should be sent to by October 7th, 2024.


Arto Merivaara


Finnish Pharmaceutical Society